One of the best means of fixing your bad credit, is to learn about how the financial world actually works and listen to people who knows how it does.
YES, of course we want you to start at the basics… begin with “financing a car”, from New Leaf Auto Finance of course 😉 as it usually does help out in a myriad of ways – transportation to and from work, family needs of transportation, and a structured repayment system to show you are credit-worthy again.
That said… credit, and finances are a mindset, a skill that you must research and master just as you would learning how to drive a golf ball 200 yards.
Rich Dad Poor Dad, is based on a series of best-selling books and other media that expose many of the myths and truths of our financial system, and shows people in the most simplistic of ways just How Money Works that should be read by anyone who really wants to fix bad credit, or more importantly, get on the right path financially.
The have a great website that you can reach by clicking here, or visit their Financial Tools section that has many free resources that are very helpful for anyone trying to rebuild their credit.
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